
About the project

The MediAim project is dedicated to the development of new therapeutic agents and strategies to fight certain serious noncommunicable diseases and selected viral diseases.

The MediAim consortium comprises three distinguished Prague-based research institutes specializing in preclinical and clinical research: the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM), the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IOCB Prague), and the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IPHYS).

The project is dedicated to the development of new therapeutic agents and strategies to fight certain serious noncommunicable diseases and selected viral diseases. Collaboration focuses on experimental, preclinical, translational, and clinical research on the nervous and cardiovascular systems with selected aspects of metabolic research. The primary objectives are (i) the characterization of common mechanisms of pathogenesis associated with the occurrence of selected noncommunicable diseases, (ii) the improvement of strategies to prevent, diagnose, and treat these diseases, and (iii) the treatment of selected viral diseases, which often complicate the course of non-communicable diseases.

The MediAim project responds to the need for a stronger link between experimental and clinical research in the Czech Republic. It undertakes to bridge the gap between basic and translational medical research by facilitating and bolstering unique multidisciplinary collaboration. The project's special added value lies in its embrace of full drug development, from initial synthesis to patented drug candidates.